
Friday, January 11, 2013

2012 Bowman Sterling Football Delivers The Draft Class In Luxurious Style

At $300+ per 6-pack box, Bowman Sterling Football is the Park Place of the Trading Card Monopoly Board. It's not the most expensive product in the football genre, but it is one of the most glamorous. This year it contains a stellar rookie class, and collectors can expect 4 rookie autographs, 2 rookie auto relics, 6 jumbo relics and a jumbo patch relic box topper.

With Sterling you'd better hope the stars line up for you as cleanly as the 7's on a slot machine do when you hit the jackpot. Without at least one great hit, you might be in for a world of disappointment. Then again if you ponied up for this one, maybe money isn't an object for you.

Our box didn't have the very best autographs or relics, but it had an assortment of promising young gridiron lions that might turn out to be future Hall of Famers. We'll give some away soon on Cardboard Connection Radio. We did have one solid hit that wasn't signed or a relic. To find out what was in this box, check out the video...

1 comment:

  1. Sterling products intimidate me. I'm still of the mind of ebay sniping whatever singles and hits I'm interested in rather than shelling out the big bucks on a box full of fun.
